@lef_DR – I'm totally new to the "HTML5-canvas"-animation features in Flash CC 2014. Used Flash some years ago and now trying to convert older, simple animations to HTML5. While using HTML5-canvas, what is working well in principle, I came accross some problems:
1. Scaling the view of the animation in the browser is rendering the animation blurry.
(Firefox 30.0 on Mac OSX)
I can see this "effect" in your animation too.
Not so with my original SWF animation.
Can I do something about that? Can we do something about this?
Or is this a limitation of the canvas element in HTML5?
Coding some SVG animation will show no blurryness.
However, Flash CC 2014 seems not to support SVG animation.
2. Start stop animation with a double click
I used some ActionScript3 code in my original design to start, stop animation.
These features did not travel over in the conversion process to HTML5.
Used code:
//Action inside M1 inside Logo_Outlines //Uwe Laubender //19.05.2010 //Double click must be enabeled, because default is "false": stage.doubleClickEnabled = true; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,stopMove); function stopMove(e:MouseEvent):void{ //trace("Click"); stop(); //trace(currentFrame); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,stopMove); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK,startMove); } function startMove(e:MouseEvent):void{ //trace("Double Click"); //trace(currentFrame); gotoAndPlay(currentFrame); }
How can I translate this code to the JavaScript side of the HTML5 animation?
(If possible at all)
3. Some changes in the vector presentation after converting to HTML 5:
Before as SWF embedded (with background color of the original web site):
(browser view scaled to maximum)
After converting to HTML5 canvas:
(browser view scaled to maximum)
Blurry as mentioned already above. Plus: some details are rendered or converted false.
Thickness of the stroke is quite different.