While trying to get into Muse CC 2014, i just did a most simple intro page for some friends who want to start their first online business.
I am a total stickler for single pixel precision, but when i uploaded the simple design to their server, the tag line "the art of modern design" appeared about 3px to the left of where it is in my Muse project...in order to align it properly on their server, i had to move it 3px to the right in Muse and re-publish...this is obviously no solution for the me, as i shouldn't have to misalign my elements in Muse to make them align in the browser...i've tried Chrome (my default browser) and Safari, and am running the latest versions of them and OS X Mavericks.
here is a screen-cap and zoom (with and without text-boxes and 1px rectangle selected) of my Muse UI to show where the tag line is positioned...i know you have to be a stickler for pixels to even see it, but it's part of my design style and important to me:
Is anything known about a Muse bug that would cause this behavior, and any work-around (other than what i am doing right now)? i'd love to really get into Muse, but if this is a sign of things to come, i may have to look elsewhere...any suggestions/feedback would be greatly appreciated.