For those that don't follow Julianne Kost's blog, she has three consecutive interesting posts as I type this.
The first is an idea new to me, which is using the dodge and burn tool on mask edges. I often suspect that not enough people realize that you can use all the usual selection and modifying tools on a layer mask, and I think a lot of folk don't even use the Mask properties panel. JK's post helps get you back on track.
Refining the Edge of a Mask in Photoshop « Julieanne Kost's Blog
The other two are regarding ACR 8.5. The first just an in depth announcement, and the second about a new feature in ACR 8.5 which gives us a per channel preview mode.
Personally, I am still struggling with the split screen preview gizmo that seems to toggle through at least a hundred different options, and leaves me so confused I am never sure when I've got back to where I started. The thing is, everyone knows that reading instructions risks manly sexuality, but I might just have to close one eye and take a chance.