Working on my second long form project with CC (1 hour + timelines) and am encountering some problems with merged clips.
Problem 1 - So I do all my markers in a video clip (which can take hours). I add names and copy the names into the markers notes. I then merge the clips (video with sound) and the markers are there but all the notes have gone. This doesn't always happen but it happens enough for me to have been looking for answers as its completely wasted time.
Problem 2 - More variations of lost markers. In some cases I have put markers on sound clips. Merged with video and the markers are there but all names and comments have gone.
Problem 3 - Merged clips - I am sharing the project with another editor (I am PC based and he is Mac based). I set everything up so he has a mirror of my files and folder structure. I send him new edits (timelines) and some merged clips work fine sometimes the audio goes offline. This can also be reversed. He sends me edits and sometimes the merged clips work fine and sometimes the audio disappears. The real problem comes when you have then lost your markers on the video and audio and end up having no idea where the in points are as the match frame doesn't work on merged clips. It only matches the frame on the merged clip and not the source clip.
Problem 4 - Clips going offline but they are online. I get this quite often, mainly with sound (recorded on a zoom recorder - STE-001.wav etc). Quite often it will say the clip is offline so I click to "locate" and it directs me to the file but it has seemingly not linked it. So CC knows where the clip is... I just have to select it and its linked. Why does it come up as offline/locate when it's in exactly the same place it was and the CC path takes me straight to the clip?
What I need to be able to do with merged clips is;
1 - I need to be able to easily get to the source material for each merged clip. Say for example I put a merged clip in a timeline.. and the audio has seemingly gone offline. If I click the audio I would like to go back to the merged clip and then select if I need to go back to the audio or video for said merged clip and for match frame to be frame accurate on the audio and video. I used to live by this in Avid. Reveal in project is great but again it takes me to the merged clip and not the source clips. Surely there is a way to get back to the source clips Audio/Video?
2 - I need to have a way that marker information will not get lost in merged clips... EVER!!! I really can't pinpoint why it happens or when it happens but it happens, too often. Some clips it seems fine and then all of a sudden the info is gone. Once it's gone there's no way of getting it back. I need to be able to 100% save the marker info. Even if it's as a separate word doc or something. A documentary with maybe 20-+ hours of interviews... all logged nicely via markers and then for me to randomly lose marker info is absolutely not up to scratch. PLEASE SORT IT
Finally.... I am still posting in the PP forum. is there not a dedicated CC forum yet? I couldn't find it.. am I missing something? Makes it real hard in Google if I have to go through PP posts as well.