H264 Export Crappy as compared to in the software? How to fix it?
I am exporting a Full HD Video 1920x1080 30fps H264 8000-10000bit in CS6But the output is grainy and soft on some clips but when you see in the software it looks fine... How to fix if the requirement...
View ArticleRe: FlashMX problem in Windows7
i know you asked this question nearly 3 years ago, but if you're still using MX, and have stopped it from crashing, but haven't figured out how to deal with the "marquee" problem, as you put it, what...
View ArticleWhy can't there be a player that front loads decoding for slow computers?
I still am not sure why at one point flash players suddenly became a lot slower on older hardware (like Flash 9 worked great for 720p YouTube videos on old pentium 2 systems, then flash 10 comes out...
View Articlecompleted download of photoshop elements, but received no serial number -...
Hi there!Yesterday I succeeded in downloading Photoshop Elements 12, but did not get a serial number by mail from Adobe, which is necessary for registration. What can I do?
View ArticleRe: sendToURL Error(#3769) on Flash player
Hi, when i change the "application/json" to "text/plain" the sendToURL api works fine. But can any one explain me the reason "application/json" is removed from the content-type in latest flash player?...
View ArticleRe: Dynamic link from premiere pro
Premiere Pro/ File/ Project settings/ Captured Audio - change the folder to the one you want it to save to.
View ArticleRe: Photoshop merged my layers for me, can I recover
I care less about blame and more about improving the UI. In this case, my guess is a fix would require, say, tens of hours for Adobe and would save a large multiple of this in users' time...
View ArticleRe: placing transparant greyscale tiff and change color in Indesign?
Hey man, open the file in PS, convert to greyscale then re-convert to a bitmap, export as TIF, place in IND, direct select image inside bounding-box, click a colour and it will change.
View ArticleRe: Looping through layers is slow.
The code in that thread is largely based on stuff Mike and Paul have provided (I may have added mistakes of my own, though) but I can’t locate the threads from which I took it. Calculating width height...
View ArticleRendering separate clips on timeline with sound - workarounds?
Processing some proxy files now with sound as separate WAVS, if i try and render them out as individual clips then if there is sound it renders the whole timelines sound in each small clip. Remove the...
View ArticleRe: Bridge CS6 keeps crashing on my macbook pro
I have the same problem with the Bridge on my MBPr, please let me now here if you have solved the problem. I cannot even open Camera RAW from Bridge. It crashes as well after my trying to open Camera...
View ArticleRe: Why are these diagonal bars half way down my timeline?
Dunno, they worked before. It's just a nested multi-clip.
View ArticleHow do you export you DNG pictures as a batch from Bridge CS6 for web?
I am trying to find the fastest way how to do it from Bridge. Now I make some basic corrections with all pictures in Camera Raw and then save them as... with same lower resolution for the web or...
View ArticleRe: Script access to dataset variables
here's an easier way var idoc = app.activeDocument; var vars = idoc.variables; for (j=0; j<vars.length; j++) alert(vars[j].name + ' : ' + vars[j].pageItems[0].contents);
View ArticleRe: When the form is submitted but with a mistake in the e-mail address, the...
Hello Andrew, thank you for your response. We use it as a webform. We use the form in two sections. The first part is filled in by one person and among others he/she fills a field with the e-mail...
View ArticleXML Attributes
Hi All, New to XML workflow, just for learning only. How can we get the values by using xml attributes. Got error by using "//emphasis[@aid:cstyle = ITAL]" Now the myXMLItal.length comes 0. Coding is...
View ArticleRe: Why are these diagonal bars half way down my timeline?
Are you sure that you haven't changed the duration of the nested material?
View ArticleHow do I run dreamweaver trial version without internet?
I already install the application but can''t run due to no internet connection.
View ArticleRe: Crash upon Select > File > Open = Crash on New iMac
Again, I need to see the rest of the hang report to figure out anything more.
View ArticleRe: Extension caches iframe content
Hi Jeff, Thank you for reporting this. I made a simple test extension (shared here), set up a local server to try this, but failed to reproduce this error. In file...
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