Re: How to reinstall CS4 after computer crashed
What is the problem when trying to reinstall it?
View ArticleRe: 2 uninstall folders
I have no idea why you have two of them, but one Uninstall folder is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL. You would be most unhappy in the future if you delete them now. Also, you gave next to no sensible...
View ArticleIf I purchase photoshop download do I need an internet connection to use...
I am thinking of purchasing photoshop and since it is only available now by download I would like to know if I just need an internet connection for download or would I need it for download and when I...
View ArticleRe: Fair Adobe Illustrator CC (TRY)
Try downloading from Make sure you follow the Very Important Instructions on that page.
View Articlecan i share photos to smugmug using Elements 11 or do I have to upgrade to 12?
I see that I have the options to share photos Facebook and Flickr but not smugmug. Is there a plugin available?
View ArticleRe: Help with Slow Motion?
Ziji Man wrote: 2) BCC Optical Flow (Boris FX10)I found the beautiful, slow motion that I wanted, but the clip remained as long as it started, which was it's only about halfway through the...
View ArticleRe: AEGP_LayerH from a PF_Param_LAYER?
Wow: PF_Err get_layer_handle(PF_InData *in_data, AEGP_LayerH *layer_handle){ AEGP_SuiteHandler suites(in_data->pica_basicP); PF_Err err = PF_Err_NONE; AEGP_EffectRefH effect_handle =...
View ArticleRe: When uploading to FTP the changes I made on my website, it goes through...
If it is stopping in the same place each time I have found it is usually a file that is causing the problem. Is it possible that just for testing purposes try and upload to a Business Catalyst site and...
View ArticleRe: If I purchase photoshop download do I need an internet connection to use...
If you buy the subscription model, you would have to have an internet connection, namely for the software to contact the mother ship at least one every month to reactivate itself and to take advantage...
View ArticleRe: Can't create user defined variable. Plz help.
My guess is that it's because you have a specific named Variable Set in focus. Click the "ke-sample" drop down and change to focus the <Default Variable Set> and you should be golden. Cheers......
View ArticleRe: Obvious Way to Tell How Many Files are Selected?
Thanks guys. Keeping an eye on the bottom bar is a good tip. I do a lot of spray-and-pray type shooting, so I often come back from a shoot with 2,000+ images, and therefore I use the application like...
View ArticleRe: Pk files no longer being drawn
I am having the same problem with pk files not being saved when I save the wave file. I too have been using Audition 1.5 for a long time and only recently (maybe this year) has this problem appeared....
View ArticlePhotoshop Elements 12 and Canon 70 D
Hi,I have a new Canon 70 D and have Photoshop Elements 12.I am unable to open RAW files.I down loaded DNG converter version 8.5 for windows but it still doesn't work.
View ArticleRe: Lightroom 5, "this photo was already imported"
I was experiencing the same issue; "This Photo Has Already Been Imported" LR 5. For over a year everything worked like a charm, then I started to see this issue. Oddly enough, it would only occur...
View ArticleRe: installation problem, uninstalled app .. can i reinstall it again?
Then you'll have to download it again, e.g. from
View ArticleRe: Photoshop Elements 12 and Canon 70 D
Just go to Editor>Help>updates and update camera raw. (This won't work if you're using XP or Vista.)
View ArticleRe: If I purchase photoshop download do I need an internet connection to use...
If it's a permanent license you would need an internet connection for download, activation and updates. Creative Cloud, download, updates and anytime the app needs activation by sign in. Usually you...
View ArticleRe: why cannot I open a downloaded .pdf file?
Thank Youto all whoresponded to my troubleIhave solved this problemdid thesourcecode of the pluginand everything fellinto place)))) Thanks againto all!!!
View ArticleRe: How to reinstall CS4 after computer crashed
It says that I don't have the source (or archive?) files. When I've Googled this before, it says that I need to contact Adobe to get an override, but I can't find a working number, email, or "chat"...
View Articleall of my word files converted in hiroglyphics
I am not sure why but all of the pdf files that I am converting to word documents are coming up jumbled and in different fonts
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