Re: Magnet Pen tool: Unclosed line segment; and switching to Pen tool
Well least one of was able to figure it out
View ArticleRe: Anchoring one clip to another clip
I completely forgot about motion tracking. Thank you.
View ArticleRe: 突然m2vが読み込めない状態に困っています。
かっぱ巻き様 返信ありがとうございます。残念ですが環境設定のリセットは効果ありませんでした。最近インストールしたPlayerやコーデックはありません。AE起動時に「ファイルが壊れているか不明な拡張子」といったコメントが出てきます。また、Premiere Proにも読み込めません。(拡張子を認識しないので、読み込み可能なファイルとしてファイル名が見えませんでした。)
View ArticleDelete entire row if any cell is blank
Hi all I have found this script and it works perfectly for its purposes (if an entire row has no data/length, then remove it). var myDocument = app.activeDocument;for(var...
View ArticleRe: AAM errror download message
Please provide more detail, gabakusa. What error are you referring to? The Adobe Application Manager for Mac is here - Adobe - Adobe Application Manager : For Macintosh : Adobe Application Manager Darrell
View ArticleRe: I want to make a 12x12 print for my niece's room, but whenever I export...
My artboard size is 12"x12", and I have bleeds of 5mm on each side. 10mm is .39 inches, so that must be where the excess is coming from. Should I change the artboard size to 11.61 and keep the bleeds...
View ArticleRe: Create a PDF from Adobe Muse
Hi Please elaborate a bit more as you want users to download pdf from your site or print site page as pdf etcIf its regarding documents then you can add add df documents in your site and then link them...
View ArticleRe: Chrome problems
I tried with same version but still not able to replicate this on my end. Screenshots : I have verified with both BC and non-BC site. Can you check with a...
View ArticleRe: how to add a link to a search engine?
Hi You can include Google custom search in your site page and then design the search layout using customized code or If your hosting provider provides you search modules to add on in your site then you...
View ArticleRe: how do I erase added text to photo after it has been saved?
Hind sight post: This is the very reason of why it is important to save a master file (psd or tiff) besides the file that will be shared (jpg or png). Psd and tiff support layers, live type and...
View ArticleRe: Cancelling payment for creative cloud
Cancel the Cloud may help
View ArticleRe: change UI layout based on panel size
Figured it out! This changes my row of buttons from a column to row based on the window ratio. Finally figured out windowBounds.height and windowBounds.width. myPanel.onResizing = myPanel.onResize =...
View ArticleRe: How can I add a Net30 to my checkout?
From Muse end you can only integrate the shopping cart which your third party application provides , If you want to add Net 30 trade then you should include this in your shopping function which is...
View ArticleRe: CC Media Encore does not allow me to make a Bluray
Need DETAILS Exactly what are you exporting out of Premiere Pro, and which version? Which version of Encore are you using? What error message do you receive?
View ArticleRe: Premiere Elements 12 will only render some of my footage?
I understand the rendering matter. I would just like to be able to view my footage without it lagging/stopping. The render indicator line is blank when I'm talking about the content that lags and stops...
View ArticleAm I able to use my clipboard from MS Word in Photoshop?
I have an image that I have on my MS Word clipboard that I would like to put in photoshop.
View ArticleRe: Can I convert or copy a paintbrush path to a pen path?
All you should need to do is set the fill and stroke to none. You would then have a single path with no thickness.
View ArticleRe: how to open a cr2 file in photoshop
Which version of Photoshop? Which Canon camera model is the CR2 file from?
View ArticleHow to add combine two scripts functions?
Hi, everyone I got this script, function: modify cells //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- var cancel...
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