Re: Problems with Pathfinder
Megancia, In addition to what OldBob said, you can use the original live Type (without creating outlines) as a Clipping Path for the Clipping Mask, and you can use the original photo of the chili...
View ArticleRe: why is the small text blurry on photoshop?
A popular method is creating/editing the images in Photoshop, placing them in Indesign and then exporting pdfs for the printers from Indesign. Edit: I forgot to mention the relevant part: Set the text...
View ArticleRe: Linking to Forms to other documents
I’ve tried this option and it does not work. Can you suggest another option? This is why I think a javascript is needed. Connie BretesMDOT Graphic Design & MappingForms Management(517) 335-2520
View ArticleRe: Adobe Illustrator CC unexpectedly quits on launch
If possible, can you join the connect session: ~Raghuveer
View ArticleRe: Recently used fonts
Matt, I believe this is one for the (relevant) Photoshop forum:
View ArticleError combining Power Point 2007 files into a single pdf (Acrobat 11)
Hi, Am running Acrobat 11 and am getting an error when attempting to combine files. Trying to combine multiple power point 2007 files into a single PDF using Acrobat 11. Am getting an error "unable...
View ArticleRe: Blu-ray Error - Encore CS6
Thanks Stan, building an image and then burning with ImgBurn worked perfectly.... not sure what that error is / why it won't burn direct from Encore
View ArticleHow to submit Interactive pdf form in browser(Mozilla, Chrome)
I m having XFA based pdf form to be submitted by the user. I want to get it opened, filled and submitted in browser. In IE it is working. but Mozilla, Chrome does not supports. Getting message like...
View ArticleRe: why is the small text blurry on photoshop?
Guys it might just be a font issue. Some fonts really don't work well at very small sizes. This can be even worse on the paper quality most newspapers are printed on. Tell us what font you are...
View ArticleRe: iPad Participant View
Hi VA-Pam, Did you ever manage to resolve this? I'm getting the same problems here. Thanks Owen
View ArticleRe: DNS A record not found
Hi Florin, Got your replies, thanks heaps. All fixed now! Brilliant!! Jess.
View ArticleRe: CP 6 Video mode: mouse click effects, keyboard tap sounds
should I understan I cannot do these things with Captivate?This is very common stuff for people capturing video...
View ArticleRe: Building DataGrid dynamically
That's nice. In my case data comes not from XML, but as an Object (ResultSet as Vector->Array->ArrayCollection),and list of Columns as Vector->Array,and it seems to work.The only problem I got...
View ArticleRe: export multitrack
OK, thanks! On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:47 PM, SteveG(AudioMasters) <
View ArticleRe: Error when combining Power Point docs into PDF in Acrobat 11
Thanks for routing on my behalf. Best! Mimi Bailey | Associate Director, Reporting and CapabilitiesR&D Operations</sites/rdoperations/Pages/Index.aspx> - Bristol-Myers SquibbRoute 206 &...
View ArticleI seem to be able to download Reader XI but then it only appears for less...
I have windows 7 premium edition, an ASUS notebook, webbrowser is google chrome, 6-bits operative system
View ArticleTablet "Share" pod showing "Tap to view"
Hi, On iPad and android tablets using the connect app, sometimes the content of the "Share" pod (an image) shows as "Tap to View" when changing layouts. It will sometimes load perfectly, other times...
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