Re: Managing and external hard drive and LR with two computers
It's a bit late now, but my solution is to have the images and catalog on the external. If you've done this, just plug in the drive and navigate to the .lrcat folder on the drive-double click it to...
View ArticleRe: Could not find any capable video play modules [edit]
More information needed for someone to help... please click below and provide the requested information-Premiere Pro Video Editing Information FAQ •What is your...
View ArticleElements 12 organizer screen will not drag or show top of screen, I need to...
I have Photosphop Elements 12. I am unable to get the organizer to move. It is stuck at the top, where I can't minimize from the top. I can move the sides and bottom. I have tried adjusting display...
View ArticleCan't download adobe flash player on mountain lion mac. Please help
Hi, my mac is operating on mountain lion. I cannot watch any videos online because I need the latest update of Adobe Flash Player. Once I click download and click the completed download to begin...
View ArticleAfter Effects CC Output settings
How do you save an After Effects file as an mp4? Thankyou!
View ArticleCan't download my CC onto my Mac w Core Duo processor which can't run above...
I bought Creative Cloud in March for a class I was taking in Adobe Illustrator, I downloaded it to my laptop (a MacBook running OS 10.6.8) and it worked fine. I had to drop the class and now I'm taking...
View Articleerror message for illustrator cs6: Error loading plugins. Drop Shadow.aip
Can anyone help with this i have an assignment due and need to use the drop shadow tool....I am an amature also so please i would need step by step!Please
View Articleerrore di elaborazione foto
Aprendo vecchie foto di un anno fà mi appare su alcune "errore elaborazione foto".Cosa devo fare ??
View ArticleRe: [CS5.5] Installer failed to initialize. Please download Adobe Support...
I cant find installer in my logs folder on my mac
View ArticleRe: Camera Icon in Front and Back views shows wrong
I don't think you can edit an original post after comments have been made but you can edit immediately after posting. See the right column?
View ArticleRe: WHen I choose an album, upload a file(s), just as the file(s) is uploaded...
Dear ATRThank you for your response. It was my first attept at getting help online so I was not sure I would get an answer let alone a professional one. I am using Windows XP and Adobe Premiere...
View ArticleRe: After Effects CC Output settings
You don't save after effects projects as movies, you render them. Please go through the basics here: Basic Workflow This question was answered about an hour ago in this thread: save in mp4?
View ArticleRe: Multiple ids
I've got the same problem with my Sony Reader PRS-T1 and Adobe Digital Editions. Who can help?
View ArticleInstallation of Updates for Photoshop CS6 failed. Error code U44M1U5 for...
The Installtion of updates for Photoshop CS6 failed. Error code for Update of Adobe Application Manager is U44M1P210, for all other features (Adobe Bridge, Photoshop CS6, Camera Raw) U44 M1U5
View ArticleRe: How to change the default audio filetype in CS5.5?
I have a completely different reason for asking this thread's question; storage.We have the need for lossless editing, yes, so MP3 is not an option except for distribution. BUT, we are a donation-based...
View ArticleRe: How to change cross dissolve alignment in PP CC 2014??
Not being able to see the A clip and B clip windows and the ability to change the type of cross dissolve like you could in previous versions is a BIG error on the part of Adobe. I was they would...
View ArticleRe: ERROR Tracing Image!
I was not able to repro this at my end. From your last post I assume that this issue goes away on restarting AI. Can you try one more thing:1) Create a rectangle with any fill and rasterize it using...
View ArticleRe: Russin recognition do when convert pdf to word, excel, please! I paid...
I installed the Adobe Reader on my ipad from the app store. I bought a subscription to transfer pdf files to word, excel. No Russian language in the settings. This is very bad!
View ArticleRe: How do I correct these blue highlights?
Several ways you can do this. What you need to do is make a selection of the blue in the image. You can do this by using color range or creating one using a channel. Making the selection using a...
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