Re: Vertical scrolling, move and resize image? Is that possible?
Hi Katloubee Yes it is possible in muse. Simply you have to play with opacity in the scrolling effects panel.Mae your first image invisible when you scroll down.Firstly you have to place your image and...
View ArticleUnable to use reverse geocoding when renaming files
I've asked about this on different discussion boards but no answer so far. The first versions of Lightroom that came with reverse geocoding did not have this problem. But somehow after an update in...
View ArticleRe: print dialog box not showing printer
I think what you need to do is change the "Print to" from printer to a JPEG file. Then you will be able to choose the Costco profile from the drop-down list.
View ArticleRe: Arranging photos in Revel.
Pattie,Could you please better explain to me the function of "keep originals" in Revel? I've followed the threads on its use but still a little confused. My concern is if I'm uploading hundreds,...
View ArticleRe: Export PDF to Excel Scam
Hi bshackel, I looked up your account, and don't see that you have any active subscriptions. Did you perhaps sign up using a different ID? What happens when you try to convert a PDF file to Excel? Do...
View ArticleRe: I bought photoshop elements 9 a while ago want to install it now on my...
Heske do you receive any specific errors when you are trying to install Photoshop Elements 9?
View ArticleI am a Creative Cloud subscriber [limited to photoshop/ lightroom/ bridge] ....
I am a Creative Cloud subscriber [limited to photoshop/ lightroom/ bridge] . I keep getting messages to manage my account on pain of being cut off. Why? There doesn't seem anything to manage...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Muse CC 2014 keeps freezing.
I am also having issues with the software. The hyperlinks won't work. The program doesn't display properly and the widgets aren't working properly. I reinstalled twice. Blinking/Flashing issues.
View ArticleRe: OUT OF MY MIND... HELP
Can I bake you a cake or send flowers?? 8-)It worked!! Here's the problem now. I have an updater app that says I need to upgrade from ..... Installed Version : ..... Flash Player...
View ArticleRe: Blocky footage from ProRes 4444 file when imported in After Effects CC on...
The problem is probably the comp size. I would work at standard resolution - which is the way you will have to deliver the footage to any standard device, even YouTube and add the black bars as a...
View ArticleRe: Is there a way to bulk-remove default transitions (dissolves)?
Pretty much what I figured. Oh well. By hand it is, then!
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC 2014 is MUCH slower than Photoshop CC in a side-by-side...
A couple questions for Windows users: 1. What specifically is slower compared to 14.2.1? Everything? Or specifically interacting with elements on canvas?2. Does it get better if you leave PS idle...
View ArticleRe: Y and X axis options are not showing up
Right click on the top bar to reveal the properties, move the divider. You have just hidden them.... You could also click on the bottom left icon in the time line to reveal everything.
View ArticleAnnulation d’un abonnement mensuel
Bonjour, Je souhaites résilier mon abonnement creative cloud. J'ai donc suivit les instructions à la lettre: se connecter à mon compte et ensuite j'ai cliqué sur annuler la formule,et ça me renvoie à...
View ArticleRe: Disable automatic color space compression on CinemaDNG files
CC tools in PPro are so crude and unwieldy (at least in comparison with Resolve) that it's not clear (to me, at least) that the conversion RAW to log style, the way Resolve does it, would be all that...
View ArticleInDesign won't save.
I have a document that I can't save. Interestingly, I can save it as an .idml document, and successfully open it, but InDesign won't allow me to save it as a regular .indd document.
View ArticleFonts stuck on capital
Here within the last two weeks, when I go to add text to a photo or document, they appear only in their capitalized form. I do not have the caps lock on and when I created any other type of document...
View ArticleRe: Converted PDF file to WORD but have characters in WORD not in original...
In Ingknife29, Are you able to select the text in Word if you triple-click it? If not, is it possible that the original PDF was created from a scanned document? If so, the text could be image text,...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop UI very small in Macbook Pro
Retina (high density / high dpi) display? Try Edit- Preferences - Experimental Features, 200%. -Noel
View ArticleRe: will InDesign export an ebook that flips pages with the new version?
Hi Sandee, Peter and Steve, good to hear from you again. Its been a while.I see the problem now that you ask those questions. For what I'm thinking about would be a fixed layout since I would want it...
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